Last updated:

13th March 2025

Paddlesport Courses

All courses for kayaking, canoeing and paddleboarding are found here.


instructor in a canoe


Our paddlesport courses cover many aspects of the world of paddling and can be completed in pretty much anything you can move with a paddle.

All courses have a minimum age of 8 to ensure everyone gets the most out of them.

We will provide the following equipment, however you are welcome to bring your own as long as it meets our minimum standards. If you have any questions you can email:  



Buoyancy Aid


Check out our courses below:


getting back into a kayak

Paddle Safer

If you only do one course make it this one! Ideal for those who have just started out on their paddling journey. Focusing on supporting the paddler and importantly how to stay safe in different environments.

Some basic paddling skills in your chosen craft are required to get the most out of this course.

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two kids on a double kayak

Start Award

Does what it says on the tin! A half day introduction with a qualified instructor. Learn the basics and get moving.

No prerequisites required.

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a kid giving a thumbs up on a double kayak

Discover Award

Discover the world of paddling. A 1 day course designed to help you discover how your craft works and the best way to make it move.

No prerequisites required.

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