Last updated:
17th July 2023
Rook's Nest Wood
Location Barkham Ride, Barkham, RG40 4EU

About Rook's Nest Wood
Rook's Nest Wood covers approximately 18.3 hectares and has a long history of agricultural grazing which has continued to this day on part of the site. The site was developed as a Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) in 2011 to provide an informal recreation area for new and existing residents of the Borough.
Rich in wildlife and habitat, the site consists of woodland, grassland and fen and predominantly comprises of oak, ash, silver birch and hazel as well as aspen and willow. The fen area has been designated as a Local Wildlife Site (LWS) and is home to a number of species of plant including spear and marsh thistle, lesser spearwort and ragged robin.
The site consists of a network of surfaced footpaths totalling over 2.2km and a further 1km of unsurfaced footpath and provides for a variety of walks in length.
Parking Facilities
Rook's Nest has its own car park which is free of charge.
The majority of footpaths on the site are rough hard-surfaced. Non-surfaced paths may become muddy in wetter months. There are no steep inclines on the site. Therefore, most of the site is accessible to wheelchair users who have sturdy chairs.