Last updated:
17th December 2024
Disc golf
Dinton is proud to host one of the few 18-hole permanent disc golf courses in England.

What is Disc Golf?
The object of the game is to throw a disc (a type of frisbee) from a starting point to a hole (a metal basket) in as few throws as possible. Dinton is proud to host one of the few 18-hole permanent disc golf courses in England.
The course was installed in 2016 and was paid for by Berkshire Disc Golf Club (a group of local volunteers who love disc golf!) The course is located on public access grassland adjacent to the main lake and you can access it from either the The Coffee House Café or Dinton Activity Centre. It is free to play if you have your own discs, but you can give the game a try and hire a disc from Dinton Activity Centre (off Sandford Lane).
Please note that at the moment, we only offer a bring-your-own-disc option. While we work on improving our system, it is currently not possible to book a session online. Feel free to come by, bring your favourite discs, and enjoy a round of disc golf at your convenience. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you on the course!
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